Sunday 6 April 2014

Celestine Ukwu: Ije enu

Celestine Ukwu : 1940- 1977

An Igbo proverb said ' an orphaned child must wear advice like a necklace so he can peel one off when he needs it'. This song 'Ije enu' (Journey of life) is a song that commends itself to every thinking man.

Ije enu

Ije enu bu na ndi na akwa na akwa/ na ndi na anuli na anuli.2ce
 Life's journey is for mourners and celebrants

Onye na akwa na uwa ya malu na uwa na erughari
He who mourns in the world should know that the world rotates

Onye na anuli na uwa ya mata na enu na erughari
He who is celebrating in the world should know that the world rotates

Oburo ka anyi si lo ka ife uwa si adi
It is not how we plan that the world works out
Oburo onye odialu mma tata ka oga adiri mma echi
He who enjoys today may not enjoy tommorow
Ije enu bu na ndi na anuli na anuli na ndi na akwa na akwa
Life's journey is for celebrants and mourners
Onye na akwa na uwa ya malu na uwa na atughari
he who is mourning should know that the world rotates
oburo ka anyi si lo ka ife uwa si di adi
It is not how we plan that the world works out
maka na uwa di ufu
because life is painful
oburu ka anyi si choo ka ife uwa si adi
it is not how we want that the world works out

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